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Page 21
A lump formed in her throat as she could picture a little Arcangelo kneeling on the floor, scrawny and thin with shaggy black hair as had his gaze down, a whip coming down on him from the darkness. The sound of leather against skin reverberating through her skull as the little boy jumped in pain, but made no sound.
The thought had Rosalie's skin crawl as she inhaled sharply.
Moving forward she traced the scars across his back as the Arcangelo before her didn't make a move, his gaze forward with his hands bunched into fists at his side, standing tall and rigid. She was so close that he could feel her warmth at his back, breath fanning over the skin of his shoulders, her warm fingers gliding over his spine, tracing every single scar that was visible to her.
Suddenly, Rosalie placed her lips to the middle of his shoulder blades, placing a kiss there before pressing her lips to the scar in a gentle kiss. Uncertainly Arcangelo looked over his shoulder at her, watching as she placed tender kisses against his skin, her fingers against his sides. He felt her arms wrap around his waist as her chest was pressed against his back, her head rested against his spine. For a moment Rosalie tightened her grip around him, wanting him to know that she was there for him as she inhaled deeply, trying to blink away the tears that were welling in her eyes, knowing she had to be strong. Her composure returning when she felt Arcangelo envelop her hands with his own.
She felt Arcangelo's fingers tremble as he was rubbing his thumb over the skin of her palm, the sudden sensation of something wet falling on her hands. Lifting her head off his shoulder, Rosalie looked at his back she noticed him to be hanging his head, both of them quiet and unmoving.
Pulling her arms away from Arcangelo's waist, she walked around him, her breathing feeling unbearably painful as she watched the tears stream down his cheeks, his gaze downcast as he tried to wipe away the tears. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Rosalie cupped his cheek into her hand, wiping the tears as she noticed how despondent he felt.
Releasing a shaky breath, she kissed Arcangelo's cheek before kissing his forehead, grabbing hold of his hand, she gently nudged him backwards until his legs came in contact with the bed, the suddenness having him fall with a bounce. Straddling his lap, Rosalie cupped his face into her hands, gently pressing her lips to his, once, twice, three times.
"Just like I'm safe in your arms..." Rosalie spoke quietly, kissing him once more. "You're allowed be vulnerable in mine..."
"I know you've had a rough time throughout out your life, curio mio...And I can't promise that the years in the future would be easier. But I can promise that I will be there to help you through it," She promised him as she pulled off her shirt, throwing it onto the floor as she connected her lips with his once more, taking things slow and gentle for this night, because they were no rush to be anywhere, nor did they have a schedule to keep.
Tonight, they tasted every inch of the other person's being and soul.
Chapter XXVI: Phone Calls
For an early March morning, it was quite sunny. The sky was a clear blue with fluffy white clouds dotting the canvas. Despite the deceptive look of the weather, it was cold. Arcangelo's breath fogged up as he watched the guards take out his bags from the back of the car and into the estate, was proof of the chill looming.
"Welcome back." He heard a voice before him. Glancing up, he caught sight of Vincent approaching him. "I see that you're little vacation has come to an end."
Arcangelo simply nodded in confirmation as he started to walk towards the doors, his second in command right beside him, blissfully unaware of the lie told to him.
"I think it was a good idea that you extended your stay in America and took a few days off."
That lie.
He had his guards tell Vincent that he would be extending his stay in America for a couple of days to rest up. While, in fact, he had been back in Italy and staying with Rosalie.
Speaking of his stay with Rosalie, Arcangelo could confidently say that he absolutely adored their time spent together. He enjoyed the way they both would be up in the morning, making breakfast alongside one another before eating together. During the weekdays, he saw her off to University before he either spent time in her apartment or went on domestic errands. Rosalie would always be back before one, and she would generally find Arcangelo making lunch for the both of them when she got home.
She always joined in with a quick peck on his lips before telling him all about her day.
After lunch, Arcangelo liked to take her out. Both of them walking down the sidewalk hand-in-hand and just roaming about, chatting and laughing as they went on coffee dates or to the park. However, they always had to get back after an hour or two since Rosalie had work to get done. While she completed her assignments, Arcangelo took it upon himself to distract her as much as possible. Placing kisses against her skin, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, or simply whining that she wasn't paying any attention to him. His attempts always had Rosalie laughing, and it always made Arcangelo's day to hear her laugh.
He absolutely adored that laugh of hers. The way she threw her head back and just burst with hysterical giggles always had his heart leap with joy.
Rosalie's laugh always had him smile and once her fit would die down, he'd let her resume the work in peace, watching over her shoulder and giving his input every now and again. Then to unwind, they both would either read books or watch a movie cuddled together, or sometimes, upon Rosalie's insistence, he would read out loud to her.
Generally, they got takeouts for dinner because they were just too lazy to cook, and sometimes they would attempt to make dinner, but it always ended up in make-out sessions rather than cooking--which would ultimately cause them to order or go out for dinner. At night, they both would just lay in comfortable silence, not saying anything or doing much actually.
Arcangelo always took that time to simply admire her. Rosalie always got frustrated by his lack of response whenever she asked why he was smiling at her.
She just didn't get it.
He smiled because she was beautiful.
She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for that sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her abilities to make other people smile even if she was sad. No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks.
She was beautiful, deep down to her soul.
However, she never quite understood what he meant when he told her that. So, rather than rely on words, he resorted to actions, making her feel loved and wanted and alive and beautiful every night.
"Dad!" Arsenio's voice jolted him out of his thoughts, as Arcangelo's dazed expression morphed into a smile as he lifted his surrogate son into the air, spinning him around before hugging him close. "You're back!"
"You bet I am." He grinned at the little boy. "And guess what?"
"I got you some gifts!"
"No way!?"
"Way!" Arcangelo grinned as the 6-year-old hugged him tight, unable to contain his joy. Looking up, he noticed the strange expression on Vincent's face as he had to chuckle
"What?" He asked.
"I was saying, you look like you enjoyed your time off." He spoke with an amused smile. "You know, with that aura and all."
"Ah. Yeah, I guess you could say that."
"I'm glad that you managed to relax, but it's time to get back to reality."
"Right. Yes." Arcangelo nodded, still holding the boy in his arms. "Let me spend some time with my main buddy here, and then I'll join you once I've freshened up."
"Actually..." Vincent trailed, halting Arcangelo on his way to the stairs. "I was about to suggest you get some sleep in case you're jet-lagged."
"No need. I'm fine." He assured with a shake of his head. "Let me shower then get down to business."
Uncertainty, Vincent nodded in compliance as he watched his boss make his way up the stairs and into his own bedroom.
Arcangelo greeted Isaac enthusiastically when he caught sight of the dog, the K-9 jumping and licking his owner's face. With a laugh, he pulled away, rubbing his ears before opening his suitcase and taking out the gifts he brought back for Arsenio.
The little boy was so overjoyed that he was practically vibrating with the excitement. Instantly he got occupied with his new toys as Arcangelo chuckled, ruffling his hair before heading for a shower. Rinsing off, he quickly got dressed in a three-piece navy blue suit with a white button-up shirt which had thin blue strips running up and down, paired with a corresponding blue and white dotted tie. Gelling his hair back, Arcangelo closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.
"Time to get back to work," He muttered to himself, repeatedly reminding him that it was time for business and no distractions.
Placing a kiss on the top of Arsenio's head, he informed the boy he was downstairs before schooling his features. Squaring his shoulders, Arcangelo walked down and to his office, seeing Vincent standing at the door, looking almost satisfied to see him.
"What?" Arcangelo asked glancing away from his phone screen where he had been scrolling through some message.
"Now I can say I recognize you," Vincent stated with a smile as he raised an eyebrow. "Welcome back, Boss."
Not even half the day had gone by and already Arcangelo was drowned in work. He had to wonder if he actually catered to so much on a daily basis or if he's lost the hang of it. The files kept pouring in one after the other, and even his throat was straining, he had been talking nonstop since he entered his office. One phone call, then the next. He was done.
"Jesus Christ! Where the fuck are all these files coming from?!" Arcangelo demanded as Vincent entered once more with another folder. "These are a lot more than my daily matters!"
"Uh..." Vincent trailed uncomfortably, shifting nervously as Arcangelo had a suspicion that it was all the work from when he was away.
Gritting his teeth, he picked up the nearest folder, seeing today's date before taking a file from the bottom of the stack, the date being of one and a half week ago, exactly the same time he went for vacation. Inhaling deeply, Arcangelo braced himself against his desk, trying to reign in his anger as he was just itching to burst.
The device in his ear beeped as he gritted his teeth.
"If this is about the drugs again, I swear to fucking God. I will shove them down your throat." He growled once he clicked the button, waiting for the stammer of the man on the other line and being greeted by silence. "Well, what is the problem you fucking imbeciles can't handle now?!" He demanded losing his patience.
"Ouch." The voice on the other line muttered. "That bad of a day, huh?"
Instantly, Arcangelo's shoulders lowered and his grip loosened as the anger just...flew out. Letting out a breath, he threw back his head while resting his hands on his hips as a small smile made its way across his lips at the sound of her voice.
"Oh, you have no idea." He sighed as he rubbed his forehead, catching sight of Vincent standing uncertainly, a confused expression on his face as the file was slipping without his notice. With a flick of his wrist, he snapped out of the stupor, looking at Arcangelo with knitted eyebrows, almost confused as to what he meant. "Get out. I don't want anyone in here."
The look on his face was almost one of indignation. He stood there, mouth hanging open and file grasped in his hand.
"Moretti. Do I have to repeat myself?" Arcangelo demanded threateningly, his voice eerie calm as compared to the storm brewing inside him.
Giving a startled jump, Vincent shook his head before turning on his heel and walking out the doors, closing them with a distinctive click.
"He's gone," Arcangelo spoke into the Bluetooth device while lighting a well-needed cigarette.
"Well, Mr. Regnante, I'd let you bend me over that desk of yours if you use that voice on me," Rosalie whispered softly through the earpiece. Her sultry tone having Arcangelo grit his teeth before exhaling the smoke.
"Is that so, Ms. Allegro?" He asked, using that tone of voice as he heard her inhale sharply on the other line.
"Okay, stop." She said in a strained voice as Arcangelo laughed, followed by Rosalie chuckling along with him. "How does it feel to be back?"
"Exhausting doesn't even describe it."
"That bad?"
"Whatever you're imagining, just ten times worse,"
"God, how so?"
"I got a new drug dealer and he thinks he gets all instructions from me. He gets them from Lorenzo, by the way. Yet he keeps calling me. There is too much money being transferred at the same time and too many banks are calling. Then there are invitations and those godforsaken files on every-fucking-thing. It's giving me a headache. Then to top this all off, this is not today's work. It's the load of the last one and a half weeks."
"One and a half...but, you were with me."
"Exactly," Arcangelo responded. "Apparently it means everyone gets off if the boss takes off." He added sarcastically.
"Is there anything I can do?" Rosalie asked, desperately wanting to take some of the burdens off him, the fact evident in her voice.
A sigh escaped Arcangelo as he tossed one of the files.
"That's sweet of you, princess." He admitted. "But there isn't much you can do to help."
"There must be something I can do for you?"
"Just...talk to me, princess. Tell me about your day at university. I like listening to you talk."
Instantly he heard the alluring tone of her voice telling him about her day, adding every little detail as Arcangelo worked his way through the files. He responded every once in a while, reassuring her that he was still listening. Men came and went, and we worked and listened and he just felt like she was right there next to him, he could almost smell her perfume and feel her warmth beside him, if only she was actually there.
Soon, she seemed to be running out of things to say due to her stammering, but since he liked to listen to her voice, she started reading her book to him. He didn't care if it was a textbook or a novel, it was just her voice that mattered.
"Boss?" A voice penetrated through Arcangelo's bubble as he jolted upright, telling Rosalie to hold on as he glanced up at Vincent's awestruck expression.
"Y-y-you finished?" He stammered in disbelief. "You finished one and a half weeks worth of work in a day?!"
Confused, Arcangelo glanced around him, seeing that he had, in fact, completed all the files and notices and was now working on sending emails. He didn't even notice the time pass, he just listened to Rosalie and went through things.
"Huh...I guess I did."
"Wow..." His second-in-command exclaimed, impressed. "If you don't have anything for me, I'll be heading home."
"Alright," He nodded as Vincent started to make his way to the door. "Bring the Claudia around sometime, both Arsenio and I miss her."
"Yeah," Vincent responded, seemingly surprised. "I'll bring her soon."
With that, he left as Arcangelo sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.
"You hear that, princess?" Arcangelo spoke into the earpiece as Rosalie hummed in question. "We got one and a half weeks' worth of work done in a day."
A chuckle escaped her as he could hear the tiredness in her tone. Glancing at the clock, he wasn't surprised to see it being half past two in the morning. Heaving a breath, he grabbed his jacket before making his way out the office, speaking softly to Rosalie as she responded just as gently. Walking up the stairs, he peeked into Arsenio's room, checking in to see the little boy cuddled under the covers sleeping with Isaac lying at his feet protectively.
They talked for some time longer, both of them chuckling every once in a while.
"It's late..." Rosalie spoke into her phone from her place on the couch. "I should head off to bed. I have classes in the morning."
Arcangelo hummed in confirmation on the other line. "Yeah,"
Despite having talked for hours, Rosalie didn't feel like han
ging up, talking made him feel closer.
"I miss you." She murmured into the phone, curling into herself on the couch, craving his warmth.
"I miss you, too, princess." He spoke with the slight curl of his lips.
Rosalie didn't want to hang up just yet, and just as she opened her mouth to say something, a knock sounded on her door. Startled, she sat up on the couch.
"Someone's at my door." She spoke drowsily, rubbing her eyes.
"At this time?" Arcangelo questioned in surprise. "Any idea who it could be?"
"Maybe Maria," Rosalie stated with a shrug as she unlocked her door, opening it and staring at her in surprise, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly gaping.
"Hello, princess." She heard through her phone as well as from right before her.
She watched Arcangelo remove his phone from his ear and end the call as Rosalie stared at him with a wide smile, her grin broadening as he stepped closer causing her to step back.
Finally, when he was inside the apartment, he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her to him and closing the door behind him.
Chapter XXVII: Day Out
For two torturous weeks, Arcangelo had been drowning in work.
He could not leave for anywhere except on business errands, he hardly had any time to breathe and then the matters just kept on pilling up. To top it off, they were nowhere on finding the mole or locating the people that attacked Rosalie; and speaking of Rosalie, he just managed to talk to her for a few minutes on the phone and he hasn't gotten the opportunity to go and pay her a visit.
She was his girlfriend, and sooner or later she would get fed up of this, he knew.
Even now as he lay in bed, he stared at the time displayed on his cell phone screen.
9:20 a.m.
Rosalie would be waking up soon and he yet had to get up and get down to business.
A disgruntled sound escaped him as he rolled over, missing the comforting presence she brought whenever she lay next to him. However, instead of a person, his dog lay beside him, the Doberman Pinscher looking at his owner in an almost wolfish amused manner.